Looking for New Keyword Ideas?
Friday, August 7, 2009 | 11:29 AM
Labels: Account Manager, Asia-Pacific AdWords Agency Blog, Product Updates, Search Specialist, Tools
The Search-based Keyword Tool generates keyword and landing page ideas highly relevant and specific to your website. In doing so, the tool helps you identify additional advertising opportunities that aren't currently being used in your AdWords ad campaigns. If you are new to this tool, check out this video introducing you to the product:
For those of you who have been using the tool for some time, do you find yourself using the same combination of filters over and over again? If so, you will be delighted with our most recent update to the Search Based Keyword Tool: the ability to save filters. With this new feature, you can save your search filters and then apply them to other sites. Saved searches work both for the main suggestions tab as well as the active keywords tab. In addition, we offer a few pre-defined filters.
Give it a try at http://www.google.com/sktool and let us know what you think. We have more exciting features in the pipes for Q3 so stay tuned for more updates!
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